You may be able to save time and avoid extra trips to gather your documents by using the following tools to make sure you bring ALL the documents needed to prepare your return completely and accurately.
Consent Forms Intake Forms
Spanish Consent Forms Spanish Intake Forms
Colorado Durable Power of Attorney
Both consents and intake forms are required. If you are representing a primary or secondary taxpayer, you must bring a signed and notarized Colorado Durable Power of Attorney or similar document that specifically authorizes you to represent their tax returns.
As an IRS VITA / TCE Partner, MakeChange NoCo is required to provide written notice to the taxpayer and receive signed consent when using or disclosing taxpayer information for purposes other than preparing tax returns (current, prior, or subsequent year), fundraising, and/or marketing activities in accordance with Treasury Regulation 7216. The consent forms are customized to be specific for their particular use and disclosure. IRS form 14446 grants us permission to remove your tax documents from the physical site.
Also included in this packet is IRS 13614-C. This is also know as the intake or screening form. The first page covers your name, address, birth date and information about people living in you house. Pages 2 and 3 cover information about your income, expenses, and health insurance. Page 4 is optional. Page 5 is completed on site by volunteers. Makechange NoCo does not use the software that requires you to complete page 6.
Tax Document Checklist
Tax Year 2024 filed in Spring 2025 Do I Qualify?
This list isn’t complete. Every person is involved in a different tax situation, so you might not receive all the listed documents. If in doubt, it is better to bring an unlisted document with you to avoid needing to return home to retrieve it.
If you can, before you arrive: download or print an Intake Packet Form 13614-C or pickup at an open tax site [CSU, Old Town Library, Windsor Library] It is easier and more accurate if you complete the intake paperwork at home. It also saves you time and may help you get your taxes completed sooner at walk-in sites.
Required Documents
- Social Security Cards or ITIN Cards/Letters for each person on the tax return
- Photo I.D. for taxpayer and spouse (if applicable)
- 1095-A, if taxpayer purchased health insurance through Connect for Health Colorado
- If filing jointly, spouse must be present to sign e-file paperwork
- Form 8332 Filled out, signed, and dated if you are granting or accepting dependency for a shared child.
- Notarized, Colorado Durable Power of Attorney or a similar form granting permission to prepare taxes for each filer not present. [IRS 2848 is not acceptable]
Additional Suggested Items
- Copy of last year’s return
- Bank account number and routing number for direct deposit
- Any letters and correspondence received from the IRS and CO for the last 3 years.
- Wages (Form W-2)
- 1099-INT, 1099-DIV, 1098-B, records of interest received for all investment and bank accounts. o A complete investment / broker statement with all pages showing stock sale basis and sales price
- Form 1099-G [3 reasons you would receive this form]
- Unemployment [always need]
- State Tax Refund [only need if you did not take the standard deduction last year – this will be rare]
- If you filed CO DR0021 Oil and Gas Severance Return.
- Retirement accounts (Form 1099-R, Form SSA-1099, Form RRB 1099)
- Health Savings Account transactions [Form 1099-SA & 5498]
- Gambling winnings (Form W2-G)
- 1099-S and basis for all reported properties sold. Closing documents are useful.
- Records of Alimony paid or received, date of divorce decree and ex spouses’ SSN.
- Self-Employment Income [see separate checklist]
- 1099-NEC, 1099-K, 1099-MISC + any cash receipts from work
- Business expenses: supplies, advertisement, etc.
- Vehicle information: year placed in service, business miles, commuting miles, and personal miles
- Student loan interest payments [1098E]
- Educator Expenses for teachers K-12 (receipts)
- Charitable Contributions
- 401K/IRA/ROTH Contributions
- Childcare expenses (Provider’s name, address and SSN or Employer Tax ID)
Higher Education Expenses
- Student tuition and book expenses (1098-T, account statement, receipts for books and supplies)
- Tuition
- Fees Academic fees only
- Books Include only course required books
- Room & board Not a qualified expense
- If you were a dependent, or if your scholarship was higher than your earned income, you may be out of scope.
- Student tuition and book expenses (1098-T, account statement, receipts for books and supplies)